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Great News from UP School:Google Global
Diversity Report Features Turkish Female Software Developers

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UP School was featured as one of the best examples in Google's 2024 Global Diversity Report! 


This significant achievement, a first in Turkey, brings great pride to our country by showcasing the potential of our women in the technology sector. It also emphasizes Turkey's recognition on global platforms through its young female software developers.

What is Google Global Diversity Report?

The Google Diversity Annual Report is a report published annually by Google, detailing the company's progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) matters. This report shows how Google has enhanced diversity and inclusion in its work environment, products, and the broader community, as well as how it measures performance in these areas.

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UP School & Google


Training and mentoring are critical to ensuring women are more involved in technology sectors. In this regard, in partnership with Google, we provided Google Associate Cloud Engineer training to 51 women from 37 universities in 20 cities.

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Future Goals

As UP School, we act with the vision of creating a community where women can inspire and support each other in the field of technology. We work with love to show the potential of women in technology as they improve each other and develop technology together. Believing in the power of working together and supporting, we aim to reach more women every day.

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